Learn about the travels of the Nike Athletic Shoes


Nike Just Do It. Has a lot of criticism about their company and were here to get to the bottom of this. Nike has done a lot of good but we want to find out if there is more bad stuff out there that has been pushed to the bottom by the multi billion dollar corporation.

Friday, June 4, 2010


For over twenty five years Nike has been operating their main maunfacturing areas out of Asia, their factories are mainly in China Indonesia and Vietnam. However they have some in Italy, the Philippines and South Korea.

Since 1992, Nike has had a code of conduct stating that subcontractors need to set a standard for working conditions and quality of product. However because their subcontractor market is so enormous, they have faced many violations for working conditions and quality.


Nike is very good at recycling there leftover shoes. They have a proactive solution. They seperate the shoes and each sepereate piece is then put into a device that turns it all into a usable plastic. They then use this plastic to create surfaces to play sports on, like tennis, basket ball and tracks.


One of the hardest things to find. Nike is very protective of this information and it rarely gets out. When we phone for this information they shut us down, they hang up on us and we still have not received an email or phone call back about were they get there products from.


This multi billion dollar corporation took in a profit of 11 billion dollars in the year 2009. This company sell the most shoes worldwide.


The success of Nike Inc. is greatly donated to their insane marketing strategy, signing big celebrity superstar athletes to million dollar contracts. The idea is fairly simple, people want to be like their heros- Micheal Jordan, Tiger Woods- therefor these people ask questions like, "Is it in the shoes?" By signing these enormous contracts Nike determines themselves as a premium footwear company. In 2007 the Jordan Brand alone earned $800 million, this is only $100 million more thanthe entire Nike organization earned when Jordan was originally signed.

Sustainability Rating

1- Unsustainable- Fail to reach worldly goals in becoming a sustainable company.

2- Adequate- Has minimal projects and plans to create a better future for the natural resources.

3- Average- Creates plan's to be sustainable but fails to put them in place around the world.

4- Good- Multiple plans have been put in place and reach all the consumers of NIKE products.

5- Perfect- Plans have been successful and more projects to be sustainable are being put into action.

On this scale Nike would be a 3 they have plan's to reuse and recycle their shoes put not all country's see this. Their biggest project the GRIND project is a great idea but it has not been implemented in all the places they sell their products.

Equatability Rating

1-Inequitable, working conditions are very poor and don't have ethnic diversity

2-Adequate, working conditions are poor and have a little ethnic diversity

3-Average, working conditions are average and average diversity

4-Good, working conditions are good- people enjoy working here- and the ethnic diversity is fairly high

5-Perfect, working conditions are amazing- people would pay to work here- and the ethnic diversity is great. Have a multicultural workplace.

According to this scale, Nike would be given a 2. Mostly for their disgusting racism- treating the Asian ethnicity poorly- and working conditions,and not a 1 because they have attempted to fix these problems.


For Nike to bound up up the scale too a four or five, they need to not only have goals in the distance, but work on getting closer to those goals. For example some of these goals include- instituting a code of conduct throughout their workplaces, North American and Asian. Make wages for the labour in Asia higher. These are just a few of the many goals they have set, however these goals were set 18 years ago. Nike needs to re-evaluate there long term goals and acomplish them.


Nike is not a great company but there goals are admirable. They want to be a good company for the planet but they just fail to comply. Although there staff is very rude the company is decent.